As girls, we have an unlimited number of insecurities. Our face is what makes us all different & unique. No one has your exact face, not even your identical twin. Very similar and sometimes hard to tell apart, but it's still not the same. So let's take care of ourselves and keep it healthy! We either like to keep it natural or sometimes change it up and be creative. Staying natural is much more beautiful, but experimenting different ideas with makeup is just so much more fun! :D I want to share a few tricks & tips I learned from others [and figured out on my own], now passing along the word. We girls need to watch out for each other. Don't be selfish and keep these handy secrets to yourself! I also want to add a list if "DO NOT" rules. You would think a lot of things would be common sense, but girls still think they look good with a lot of things they SHOULD not have done to their faces. -_- *Shakes my head*
- DO NOT draw your eyebrows in with EYEliner [pencil or liquid]. It's not meant for your brows, so it will be VERY unnatural. It's too thick and dark & most likely end up smudging.( TIP: Very lightly shade in your brows with a BROW pencil & then with a brush lightly go over it with brow shadow [eyeshadow is okay too] that is close to your hair color. Don't press hard, just hard enough for your brow hairs to catch the powder with a more natural effect, which is the look you were going for anyways. )
- DO NOT cake on your face powder/foundation [even if you have a few blemishes]. If you absolutely have to cover it up, then lightly put some concealer on the problem area and then blend in the powder coverup to your natural skin. You DO NOT need to put layers and layers on. But it's always best not to put ANY makeup on your blemishes. In most cases, it will only make it worse. ( TIP: It's BEST for your skin if you put moisturizer on, then sunscreen, and THEN coverup/makeup on. You want to put things that are the healthiest for your skin underneath the things that aren't. Suncreen will protect your face from UV rays. Believe it or not, UV rays still hit your skin EVEN if there's no sunlight out! )NOTE: A good way to remember which UV rays affect what is: UVA rays= Aging, going deeper, underneath your skin, causing wrinkles or cancer. UVB rays= Burn, this is what causes sunburns and gives you that tan everyone wants.
^_^ Anyhoos, I'll save some more tips for another time. I want to type up another blog strictly focused on makeup and a best friend of mine that does awesome art for your face! Keep posted!
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