What camera do you use for your pictures?
Nikon D5100 & Sony Cybershot (when I'm out & about)
Do you use a self-timer for your portraits?
Actually, most of the time, I use a little shutter release remote control I got from eBay for $2!
How do you get that glow in your pictures?
I use a 500W fluorescent ring light, which I absolutely love because you get the real color and brightness without using a flash! Thanks to my girl, Filomena (www.filosophie.net), I finally found it (eBay or Amazon)! But it was definitely NOT cheap.. :/
Your son is so cute! How old is he?
He was born on February 2nd, 2012 (so you do the math! ツ) He was born on the same day as his dad's birthday too! He's our miracle baby and if you'd like to know why, you can read the posts tagged under "5-Baby Adventures".
What editing apps do you use on your phone?
Face Cam is the ultimate iPhone photoshop! Haha, it can slim down your face, enlarge your eyes, smooth out and even your skintone! But beware, it cannot fix yellow teef!