Thursday, February 24, 2011

don't dwell on the past!

We all wish we could go back in time and do some things differently. I wish I knew then what I know now. But that’s what growing up is all about. You make mistakes, you learn, you live, and every single one of your experiences makes you who you are today.

I’ve definitely made some poor choices in my life, but a part of me is happy and thankful that I did. I might not be who I am today, be where I am now, or have these amazing people that made the biggest impact in my life. I’m so much closer to my family (especially my sisters) now more than I’ve ever been. I have a wonderful man that makes me feel like I can do anything and I’m ALWAYS taken care of in every way possible.

I’ve drifted from some friends, but that’s why my best friends are so awesome. We can have no communication for however long, but when we do, it’s like no time has passed at all. We all understand that people grow up and as adults, we have busy lives. What matters is we are all here when we need each other the most.

As thankful as I am of how my life turned out, I still wish there were things I could change. I don’t want to get rich quick with the lotto or anything. I just wish I could have made things easier and help my momma out during the time she really needed it. I’m a momma’s girl. If I could trade my life for her infinite happiness, I would. But since I can’t go back into time or change the course of our lives, all I can do is what I am doing now. Helping her at her restaurant full-time without pay. I just wish I could do more! ):

Damn, are we ever gonna get a break (financially)?! We’ve been struggling to make ends meet for the last 12 years of our lives! I don’t wish myself to win the lotto, but my mom sure could use some lucky numbers right now!

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