Thursday, December 1, 2011

NEW Custom Domain + iPhone Edit Wonders! ★

So, I've decided to splurge my $10 and get a new custom domain for my blog! I've been wanting to change my link from "" to "", but if I were to do that, why not just take the whole ".blogspot" part out, right? It feels more personal, that it's ALL MINE and on top of that, the link itself just looks cleaner. Everything is still here and even if you type in the old link, everyone will be redirected. 

Anyways, I'd like to introduce everyone to.. *drumroll*..

I'm also thinking about changing my whole blog theme/ skin, but I won't be able to do that until I have more time on my hands. I've had enough of all this pink! I just want a nice and clean layout. 

Okay.. Now enough of that and onto some iPhone photo editing magic! 

I think most of us aren't strangers to photo shop. Some people may think it's deceiving to edit your pictures before posting them. Pshhh. What is the big freaking deal? I think it's everyone's own personal decision whether or not they want to enhance, hide, or add whatever to their pictures. 

Photo shop/ editing was created for a reason, people! Do you know how many of the supermodels or famous celebrities do photo shoots and then get their pictures edited? ALL OF THEM, even if you don't think they are, THEY ARE. A photographer takes the photos and someone else slims them down, brightens their skin, smooth out their flaws, whitens their teeth, and the list goes on. 

Honestly, editing photos is fun to me! It's interesting to see the changes you can make. And I have friends that won't let me post pictures of them unless their teeth are whitened and their double chins are gone. Come on, now.. Do we really want to see pictures of ourselves like that? I mean it's one thing to DRASTICALLY change yourself. Drastic meaning, making yourself look 50+lbs thinner or your boobs & butt quite noticeably bigger. I would NOT go that far. But I would cover some blemishes/pimples or smooth out some wrinkles, I work on little problems that other people typically won't even notice in real life. 

Anyways, this wasn't suppose to be a post about justifying or explaining myself or anyone else that enjoy photo editing. I guess it's just a quick FYI on my point of view. 

So I was bored one day and wanted to test out how well these iPhone photo edits work. The change is kind of crazy! LOOOL. You can even add color contacts and false lashes with some of these apps!

iPhone Apps Used:
  • Diptic or PicFrame - You can choose between different frames to set your pictures in. And in Diptic, you can alter saturation, brightness, and contrast as well.
  • Princess Cam - You can brighten the picture and add color contacts, false lashes, makeup, accessories, stamps, etc..
  • Face Cam - You can smooth skin, slim your face, make your eyes bigger, even skin tone, and there are also many cool filters to choose from for your pictures.

YAY! The CRAZYYYY amount of wrinkles on my 
fivehead smoothed out! LOL!~

Bigger eyes, more visible lashes!

Grey contacts to match my grey camisole!

The color looks brighter and not so washed out!

Totally investing in a good pair of grey circle lenses now! Haha~

People complimented my glasses until I told them they weren't 
even real. LOL. I look like a cartoon version of me here! Hehee~

The quality of the photos aren't too great, because like I said, this was all done from my iPhone. But seriously, it's amazing the things you can do with a little smartphone nowadays. They have apps for everything! I hope you don't think I'm being vain with all these pictures of me. I would edit other people instead, but I don't want to offend or possibly embarrass anyone. It's better to poke fun at myself anyways! 

I know I'm not ugly, nor am I the prettiest. I'm pretty much your average asian chick than you see working at a family owed teriyaki/ burger joint. I'm just having fun, so if you have something negative to say, then keep it to yourself. STOP TAKING SH*T SO SERIOUSLY! You're probably just bitter because even PHOTOSHOP cannot help you.. with your image OR your personality. Don't be a hater, please! :) 


  1. Ah, I love those apps!  I'm way too lazy to edit my photos haha.  I used to edit like crazy when I had Photoshop!  Now that I've lost my disk, I lost the drive to edit photos ):  Btw, you look gorgeous before photo editing!

  2. Your post actually appear on my dashboard but I'm guessing it's a few hours delayed. I'm not sure why that happens but it'll fix itself up soon :)

    After I saw your post I went to app store to get princess cam but it's $3 lol I'm really stingy on paying for apps.

  3. congratulations on your new domain! 

  4. I need to start investing in those apps XD I'm too stingy for my own good lol~ Ahh, i need to learn the proper basics of PS - my photos are in dire need of a 'brighter & better looking' me! So far I just rely on the iPhone apps.. and the camera quality sucks on that, what's a girl gotta do to make herself look good. Haha, your blog, your cam-whoring :D I'm not complaining, you still look good regardless of the photo editing~ Love the photo spam :3

  5. Aw I love that!
    I love editing my photos too I do it through but yeah I dont see what the big deal is. My cousin was actually upset when I tried to edit some pictures that she was going to put of us on fb. I was like what the heck!! Whats the big deal!! She said she likes her pics to look natural.. Anyway these apps seem pretty cool!

  6. OMG princess Cam add falsies???? thats awesome~~~i use pri pri Marron for pri~~~but i might buy princess cam too, cuz you are not the only who is raving about it~~~i think you look gorgeous without any editing, but with it you look flawless and even more gorgeous~~~


  7. x3 apps these days are amazing right?

  8. I can't wait to use those apps. :) thanks for sharing doll. 

    Check out my MAC GIVEAWAY!

  9. You look so pretty in all your pictures!
    Those apps seem really cool!

  10. Hi! I'm a new follower. I love your posts, they're very entertaining and you're beautiful:) I definitely have to download those apps, seems like so much fun!
    XOXO Terri

  11. Your blog worked fine on my feed (was viewing from google reader) and on my dashboard and I didn't resubscribe! To get your domain name was only 10$ really?! I always thought it was more pricey than that. haha

    I loooove the last photo. The glasses really do look realistic! haha

  12. Love the edited picturess! I've edited a few of my pictures but my biggest fear is for someone I actually know to look at my picture and think it doesn't look like me at all.. but at the same time, I definitely agree. Who cares if you edit your pictures... it's all between you and your iphone and no one else's business! Happy Friday!

  13. Seet as!;)

  14. Haha~ True! Plus, the nice thing about it is people never know I even edit them! I edit other people's picture for them and they love it. I don't make anyone look completely different unless it's  for entertainment purposes. Ugh, some people are just so uptight and need to loosen up! Happy Friday, Tifffff! <3

  15. I published this post from my old blogspot address! I'm going to try again in a few days with the new domain, hopefully it will still pop up on everyone's newsfeed. I know I myself personally hate having to manually go to certain bloggers pages and don't get updated. It's so inconvenient! :P 

    And yesssss, only $10 per year for the ".com"! I believe the ".net" was only $7, but I like the sound of ".com" better! :DDDD

  16. Awww, do you have a blog too?? I can't find you from some reason.. ): And thank you! These apps and so many others are sooo fun to mess around with! 

  17. Thank you! There are so many different apps to mess around with and fun to use especially when you're bored. 

  18. They really are! LOOOL. This must be why people nowadays are soo addicted to their phones. I remember when "SNAKE" what the only fun thing you could do on your phone!

  19. I hope it works out! I'm not tech savvy enough to be of help sadly.

  20. LOL, YEAH!! Upper AND lower falsies! I used Pri Pri Marron for a big, but deleted it because it wasn't as fun to mess with. But now consider downloading again because it has such kawaii stuff. 

    Is your phone unlocked??? I never pay for any of these apps. LOL, well that's only because my phone is jailbroken, which makes it more convenient for me. How much is Princess Cam anyways?? 

    I like it for the little fun things you can add, but I LOVEEEEE Face Came <--It's my absolute FAVE! It slims down your face, smoothes out ANY wrinkles, can make your eyes, bigger, evens out skin tone, etc etc. hahhaa, damn I sound hella vain. 

    And thanks, Jess! LOL, like my bigg ass wrinkly fivehead??? LOL!!

  21. Aw, thanks, Adriana!!! It all started w/ an inside joke from a guy friend and just kinda stuck. I need to check out this picnik now! Is it an app or a website?? 

    It's so ridiculous when people complain about editting photos. If they don't themselves to be edited, fine. But don't give me crap because I want to get rid of a blemish or two. As long as the picture still looks like them, what's the big deal? Most people never even know I do anything to the pictures until I show them the original and they thank me profusely for making some changes. lol

    These apps are fun! I don't use it to deceive people or else I wouldn't have posted the originals along with them, but it's fun to see what you'd look like with a few changes. lol

  22. LOOL, GIRL, I wouldn't PAY for these apps, got them for free since my phone in unlocked, but still, I think they are totally worth the couple bucks if you like doing stuff like this. It's fun, not only for self pictures, but for editing others or even for the neat filters they offer! 

    And I hate the camera in my phone too! Makes me look like pure dog shit! LOOOL, thank god I can fix it! Hey, we are all girls, we are allowed to camwhoreeeeeeeee once in a while.... or all the time... hahahahahaha~ x) 

  23. Hehee, I actually posted this from my old blogspot domain, but I decided to give it a few days before posting from my new one and see if it's still shows up. *Fingers crossed* hopefully it does! 

    it's $3?? Oh damn! LOL, I got mine for free because my phone is actually unlocked. Damn, I don't think I'd pay $3 for any app either. :P

  24. Holy Molly!! Great skill!!! Thxs for the apps I wanna try them out too!!.. N who ever hates photoshop is just psycho, even more so if they use makeup n hates photoshop cuz isn't putting on makeup and playing with photoshop ultimately the same thing? Trying to enhance or hide things!!.. So I'm totally on ur side!!.. So happy to see u got ur domain!! ^^.. Google send me some money or something to use on my blog for the domain or to increase my traffic but didn't know how to use it so I just threw it away :S lol I'm bad I know :(


  25. hey, jen!  hope you're having a fabulous weekend!  congrats on the new domain name.  there's def. ups and downs to having your own, but it's nice not to have the .blogspot at the end...  :)

    your pics are so awesome--you look pretty in all, and i am totally serious.  you're a really beautiful girl, def. ABOVE average. :)

    have a great rest of the wknd!


  26. YUP! I think the same way! Some folks are just weird and need to relax. :)

    Awww, you should have totally done it!!! Luckily, everything is up and running perfectly fine now!!!

  27. Hey girly!! Im finally back on blogger!!! I starting to wonder if my post is not showing up on the newfeed!!! You're soo pretty even without Photoshop and OMFG I have those stupid wrinkles on my forehead too when I have my "surprised" expression! I wanna botox that area!! boo! Thank goodness for bangs hahaha I totally agree with this post, I don't even understand why people would get aggravated over a little Photoshop, as long as you still look recognizable then I don't think it's a big deal! 

    I don't Photoshop my photos but I don't care about others that do, it's the same with plastic surgery! Everyone knows I need a bit of "oomph" in the chest area, except bf which is sweet hahahaha but that doesn't change my opinion, I still want them >< I downloaded Princess Cam but haven't gotten time to play around with it yet and whats the app you used to brighten the last photo? It looks amazing! Honestly, we have to brighten photos because the camera is bad anyways!! lol <-- pushing the blame away haha Have you decided to cut your hair? hahaha 

  28. congratulations!
    i have a custom domain and i think it was well-spent $10. lol
    love the new look of your blog! :)

  29. I agree, the custom domain looks SOO much better!  Good choice; I assume you didnt lose anyone .... you still showed up on my list so I think you're good!

  30. Thank you!!! LOL, I love looking at my link! it's so clean now! LOOOL

  31. Love the new domain name huni I've been thinking about doing the same with my blog but I would be scared would mess things up haha Xx
    I love editing photos using my iPhone I used instagram and photoshop the most Xx
