Thursday, September 8, 2011

Recent Baby Bump Pictures! :)

Slightly showing at 15 weeks, the belly is finally getting bigger and rounder by the week! I need to post an entry about the emotional roller coaster ride I've been on and how physically uncomfortable I am every day!!! I definitely appreciate my mother so much more, especially because after me, she carried & delivered TWINS! It's hard enough carrying ONE baby! Mad props to all the moms out there that popped out multiple kids at once! Anyways, THAT will be a separate post.. Check out my progressing baby bumps for now! :)
15 Weeks (Approx. 4 inches., 2.5 ounces - Size of a NAVEL ORANGE) 

17 Weeks (Approx. 5.1 inches, 5.9 ounces - Size of an ONION)
18 Weeks (Approx. 5.6 inches, 6.7 ounces - Size of a SWEET POTATO)
More updates to come! 


  1. aww so cute! Are you going to find out what your having?
    My daughter is 10 weeks old now. Its amazing how quickly they grow, good luck with everything!

  2. That's so sweet. Your baby bump is beautiful.x

  3. wow! you are a pretty momma pregnant.!! I'm glad I bumped into your blog it looks fun and honest !
    following ya !

    plz check my blog if you'd like !

  4. you look adorable, lol your gorgeous! (: HEYYY new follower here, lols, hope you check my blog out as well!

    <3 Dollie.

  5. Lovely ...and congrats...i know you're so excited...happy to see you and your blog. :)

    am following you now...

    Hope you'll also check my blog.

  6. cutee and congratzz! i'm so happy seeing this before i sleep ^_^

    following you now <3

  7. your baby bump is so cute! I love the way you do your eye makeup too :)


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. hello Jen! congratulations, i was just wonderin' where did your tattoo go? coz i thought you had them when you were younger and it was really big, pls let me know, i was just curious. thanks :)

  10. @Cielo I did get it when I turned 18. :) It's on my other side. I try to avoid showing it with my baby bump.

  11. oh cool :) Congratulations again, and the story behind your tattoo was amazing, thanks for sharing Jen :)
